Digital learning - what you need to know||||

A shift towards digital learning can have a big impacton your business’s overall success.Digital experiences and learning play acrucial role in businesses to equip their employees with the right tools andskills to thrive and grow in their workplace.If you’re looking to bringthis approach into your company, it’s important to know what it takes to builda digital learning ecosystem and what you need to look for in a digitaltraining partner.You need to prepare yourself culturally so that animpactful digital learning experience can be achieved.

Building a digital learning ecosystem

There needs to be a collaboration between learners, the learning platform, and the culture in the company to create a learning experience that is scalable and sustainable. It’s not enough to just have a great learning platform and highly motivated and eager learners. Your business may lack the surrounding ‘culture’ that supports that enthusiasm. The business culture is what will define how people behave and how things are done. It can determine the level of success of the digital learning experience. In building a digital learning ecosystem, you need to start cultivating the following: <b>Create a culture of learning</b>Building a culture of learning isn't just about having the right tools. It's a mindset and can help you present your company as a great place to work. This can be a competitive differentiator, both for recruitment and for potential customers. However, to succeed you need a strategic plan. Through digital learning and experiences, we need an approach where:<ul><li style="font-weight: 400;"aria-level="1">Learning at work mirrors how employees learn outside of work.</li><li style="font-weight: 400;"aria-level="1">Learning is a long term process, not a short-termone-off.</li><li style="font-weight: 400;"aria-level="1">Learning is self-directed</li><listyle="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1">Learning is social and collaborative.</li><li style="font-weight: 400;"aria-level="1">Learners have a feedback loop where they apply and get insights on what they learned</li><li style="font-weight:400;" aria-level="1">Learning aligns the business needs with the learner needs (and behaviours)</li></ul>

Types of digital learning

You can use digital learning for a variety of reasons. Whether it’s to develop new skills or to provide remote learning opportunities, the convenience and accessibility they offer are huge.<b>Professional improvement.</b> You can utilize employee training for many reasons, such as onboarding new hires and improving employee performance. Compared to traditional training, digital learning more effectively encourages professional development by promoting knowledge and the right business culture.<b>Managing risk.</b> Compliance training is a necessity for many companies but is a must for those that work in highly regulated industries or who handle sensitive data. Compliance rules are often complex and difficult to remember let alone implement. The goal of compliance training is to train your employees on all relevant rules and regulations, and what the processes and best practices are around them. Compliance training helps you manage risk, shows the regulator how seriously you work to adhere and gives your employees the tools and knowledge to avoid noncompliance.<b>Social impact: </b>From climate change to diversity and inclusion, training is how you build the company culture that works for you, your employees and society as a whole.

A digital learning approach to success

A digital learning strategy based on digital experiences can help you to improve the performance of your entire team. It can also help you recruit and be seen as an exciting company to join for professional development. Research undertaken on behalf of the <ahref="">eLearningIndustry</a> shows that “two out of three workers quit due to a lack of training and development opportunities”. 

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